Salesforce Certified Platform AppBuilder

Salesforce Certified Platform AppBuilder Exam :

  • Number of Questions: 20
  • Item Types: Multiple Choice
  • Exam time: 30 Mins.
  • Passing score: 65%
  • Attempts to Pass: 3
  • Price: $100 USD
  • Retake Fee: USD 50

Syllabus for Salesforce Platform AppBuilder Certification Exam

Exam Outline 100%
  • Describe the capabilities of the core CRM objects in the Salesforce schema.
  • Identify common scenarios for extending an org using the AppExchange.
  • Given a scenario, determine the appropriate data model.
  • Identify the considerations when changing a field’s type.
  • Given a set of requirements, identify the considerations and select the appropriate field type.
  • Describe the capabilities of and use cases for external objects.
  • Describe the capabilities of and use cases for record types.
  • Describe the capabilities of, use cases for, and implications of roll-up summary fields.
  • Describe the ramifications of field updates and the potential for recursion.
  • Describe the capabilities of and use cases for social features.
  • Describe the declarative options available for incorporating Lightning Components in an application.
  • Describe the declarative customizations options available for the Salesforce1 mobile application user interface.
  • Given a set of requirements, determine the appropriate global and object-specific actions and action layouts to optimize the Salesforce1 user experience.
  • Describe the differences between and considerations when using the various types of sandboxes.
  • Describe the use cases of and considerations when using unmanaged packages.

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